A recent set of experiences began a wonder, or is it a wander, of "what do you do when" you're surprised by your own reaction, one where you are both inside and observing the situation. Not one leg in each experience but fully enveloped by both like being in a memory fully embodied and yet able to observe from a deep sense of knowing without the two being separated.
One experience evolved from the loss of both of our wolf hybrids, Smokey in June and Windy in November. Both died from cancer. While I had a sense of the impending passing of Smokey, I did not have the same from Windy. Rather, I was holding onto a deep spiritual sense of something with her and in denial about her dying so quickly.
As I explored this deep sense of two worlds, I discovered the full moon on 12/12/19 at 12:12 am was taking place. I also was made aware that several people in and out of HD were experiencing greater than usual turbulence internally and externally. A sense of disorientation filled many while other were watching multiple misbehaviors at work. Moreover, I wonder if It was the Holiday insanity starting early.
On the 12th day of the 12th month of the year, a powerful numerology code is activated helping to raise the frequency of our light body, access high realms of consciousness, and bring a sense of completion to a greater cycle. If not aware or ill-prepared it might be what triggers the unfinished family misbehaviors.
12 is a powerful number in numerology that represents wholeness and completion. We have 12 months in the year, and 12 signs in the zodiac, and it is only once we have experienced all twelve of these states, that we can gain a bigger picture perspective and understanding as to where we have been. Sometimes, it is only when we reach the end of a cycle, that we can really begin to understand the journey.
The awareness of the bigger picture and this sense of completion is the energy that number 12 holds, but on the 12th day of the 12th month, this energy magnifies. 1212 gives us the opportunity to see things from an even greater perspective and level of consciousness.
The numerology code of 1212 activates and raises the frequency of our light body or energy field. My experience is that it expands the energy field so that time crystals, frozen moments of time, floating in our energy fields become transparent and possibly dissolve.
We all have a field of energy that exists around us. Our light body, energy field holding the mental, spiritual, physical and emotional bodies, has many different layers to it. Once activated, it enables us to travel across dimensions and into higher realms of consciousness and awareness. Our light body as the sustaining energy field of our existence is also believed to be the vehicle that helps us return to our Source (energy).
This light body [1] vehicle is also known as a Merkabah and is seen as two inverted pyramids that spin in opposite directions [2].
On 12/12, we can activate our own personal Merkabah with more ease, and we can use this energy to view the events of our lives from a higher state of awareness. This higher state of awareness is essentially the ability to see all things through the eyes of clear awareness often described as eyes of love where you can perceive outside of the physical reality.
“According to Merkabah mysticism, 12:12 is a code portal that, when you enter in resonance with it, activates your Merkabic field. When this happens, you are in alignment with the human heart connecting to the Unity Consciousness.”
Merkabah, a star tetrahedron is made from two pyramids, one poicscnting up and one pointing down. The pyramid pointing up helps to connect you to the heavens, whereas the pyramid pointing down helps you to stay grounded in the physical. These pyramid shapes also vibrate and move in opposite directions.
When this spinning Merkabah force field is observed around a person, it is believed that they have activated the ability to travel across different dimensions. Therefore, the shape of the Merkabah has been referred to as a chariot or mode of transport for our light body as suggested by Ezekiel's vision [3].
As I pondered the impact of 12:12 AM on 12/12 I realized that the energetic impact was like 12 squared or 144/144. In my own experience, I began to witness and participate with the memories of childhood where the loss of pets and grandparents in my early years had imprinted a specific set of fears when I sensed or experience energetic loss. When triggered, I would experience a deep sense of fear that something "bad" was about to happen and I would begin to have Irrational thoughts.
I realized that a time crystal had been triggered from the combination of 12/12 X 12:12 AM where I was both in the moment in full memory of a grievous loss that had Imprinted fear of experiencing loss and in the present moment. The fear was bleeding into the present moment taking control of my thoughts. As I witnessed this process and focused on staying completely present. This enabled the time crystal to dissolve freeing the memories of childhood and the source of periodic irrational fears that sought to preempt the experience of grief. The memories now integrated without the frozen grief have removed a subconscious process that often redirected my presence. A deeper sense of wholeness now exists.
As I reflect on 12/12, I do wonder if it is the energetic source of Holiday craziness. Moreover, it is a time to be more fully present to ourselves, as a witness and participant of the end of the year. The significance of moving into the Winter darkness to bring forth light for the Spring has been part of ancient mythology. Maybe 12/12 is an annual opportunity to clear the time crystals, frozen moments in time, unfinished and unsatisfying, that are asking for our presence to heal, here and now.
Bountiful Blessings,
[1] Merkaba is another name for one's Light Body. Part of full consciousness, when spiritual, astral and physical bodies are integrated. The Merkaba allows self to shrink to baseball size and to travel anywhere, instantly. The MerKaBa is a spinning structure of light similar to the chakras. It is similar in that when spinning properly it works as an inter-dimensional gateway – kind of a Star Gate - so that higher consciousness may incarnate into the physical body. The difference is that the MerKaBa is much larger, encompassing the entire body. In fact the MerKaBa is the structure of spinning light which allows for the incarnation of the Light body itself. Without the MerKaBa being activated the other parts of the Light body such as the Chakra’s cannot incarnate properly and may not be stable.
[2] Merkabah/Merkavah (Hebrew: מרכבה) mysticism (or Chariot mysticism) is a school of early Jewish mysticism, c. 100 BCE – 1000 CE, centered on visions such as those found in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 1, or in the heikhalot ("palaces") literature, concerning stories of ascents to the heavenly palaces and the Throne of God. The main corpus of the Merkavah literature was composed in the period 200–700 CE, although later references to the Chariot tradition can also be found in the literature of the Chassidei Ashkenaz in the Middle Ages.A major text in this tradition is the Maaseh Merkavah (Works of the Chariot).
[3] Go to http://www.spiritualhealing-now.com/merkaba.htmlfor exercises on opening the Merkabah.nces
The Numerology and Spiritual Significance of 12/12 by Tanaaz
Image reference: crystallinks.com
Novelty, Ohio
© Herb Stevenson, 2017 - 2025