This program is designed for people from all walks of life that are at a crossroad of deciding whether to become a healing presence, not only in their healing practices, but in their way of life. It is focused towards expanding the awareness of spiritual explorers, energy healing and shamanic practitioners, and the delightfully inquisitive healers. Please scroll for detailed information on class structure and content.
The first week of the Healing Den program is an introduction to self-awareness, presence, and energy dynamics through a variety of exercises and experiences. This is often experienced as a mind-bending experience as the mind does not know how to make meaning or to do its job as healing presence suspends the common functions of the mind.
Our sense of awareness of ourselves will create a completely new sense of self through the expansive nature of presence. Presence is the essence of who we are and has been forgotten by most as their mind developed into the master of interpreting your experience.
Sensitizing to energies, through an assortment of experiences such as crystal energies, forming circles of energies, and basic energy practices.
Energy exercise will include
The second week of the Healing Den Program is a cumulative process of pulling forward what has been practiced and learned in daily life, through practice sessions, zoom teachings of the theory, and evolving insights through the mentoring processes. Frozen moments in time will be revealed as a core concept of the importance of healing presence. Awareness and insights may fill the week’s many experiences.
These expanding energies will begin the unfolding of the many hidden, frozen, forgotten, or banished energies that seek to be released into wholeness and not frozen in time. This can create a sense of wholeness, feeling more like oneself, that acknowledges how much of our energy has been frozen in time that has sought to be freed and integrated.
Continue the development of confidence by doing multiple exercises of healing with clients while learning to language the releases as moment frozen in time.
Energy exercise will include
The purpose of the first session of the Advanced Intensive (third week of the Healing Den program) is to stretch into a deeper and broader understanding of presence, energy, and sacred space. This is a profound expansion of the prior two weeks of experiential learning. Constant staying in the connection with oneself, the circle, and the earth energies will require focused attention and the emergence of fully aware presence.
Note: The Advanced Intensive may be used as a certified practitioner path. It will require attending both weeks as well as the monthly video training meetings.
Continue the development of confidence by doing multiple exercises of healing with clients while learning to language the releases as moment frozen in time. In an advanced process, we will expand internal constructs of what is real by experientially stretching awareness in a safe environment.
Energy exercise will include
The purpose of the second session of the Advanced Intensive (fourth week of the Healing Den program) is to stretch into a deeper and broader understanding of presence, energy, and sacred space. This is a profound capstone of the prior three weeks of experiential learning. Constant staying in the connection with oneself, the circle, and the earth energies will require focused attention and the emergence of fully aware presence as we expand beyond day-to-day reality to learn about prayers, and long distance healing.
Note: The Advanced Intensive may be used as a certified practitioner path. It will require attending both weeks as well as the monthly video training meetings.
This final week of the program, generally provided for those seeking to be certified HD practitioners, is designed to stretch your bounds while seeking massive integration of your own healing presence. Constantly grounding oneself to know that grounding is not just being in your body but being in your body while being fully aware of others and your environment. It is knowing a healing presence has cleared the assumptions, scripts, and imprints of the past so that you can be fully present.
Continue the development of confidence by doing multiple exercises of healing with clients while learning to language the releases as moment frozen in time. In an advanced process, we will expand internal constructs of what is real by experientially stretching awareness in a safe environment. This means that we will experience the edges of self-identity of what is real or not.
Energy exercise will include
Living in these energies is like rearranging our DNA and creating a crossroads that can involve confidence or conceit. Confidence will be in the form of humble confidence to understand that the one is only the vehicle to invoke the presence of what is present. Conceit will be in the form of how to invoke a personal sense of greatness while opening the liminality of sacred space. This will lead to absence of oneself. We will support the release of the time crystal that invokes conceit instead of humbleness.
After completing at least one intensive (two week) program, there are several workshops that focus on more depth and internal experience of the capability and capacity of healing presence.
Here are a few examples.
Others will be offered as they emerge, and we evolve
Generally, workshops are never taught exactly the same way as we are evolving and emerging beings.
I ask for a strong heart, one where I have the courage, commitment and discipline to Show up and be present without preconceived notions, while having the Ability to Take Action and Enforce Boundaries
I ask for a clear heart where I have the inner self-respect and the sense of responsibility to Assess, Analyze and Consciously make meaning consistent with my true integrity, while saying what is so when it is so, without blame or judgment.
I ask for an open heart where I have the compassion and openness to be able to Connect and Feel with myself, those around me, and the environment, while surrendering to what has heart and meaning to my deepest soul.
I ask for a full heart where I have the generosity, patience, wisdom, conscious awareness, and maturity to be able to Initiate, Support and Create Order while being open to outcome wherever I walk in this world.
Novelty, Ohio
© Herb Stevenson, 2017 - 2025