As the year winds down, I find myself drawn into various writings on mysticism. From this reading, I’ve found some inspiration to look more deeply into universal symbols and structures of prayers and the art of connecting to one’s soul.
Connecting to one’s Soul… it is a lost art of allowing the heart to speak for itself.
Speaking from the mind or memory is proof of the numerous compromises of one’s SELF that evolved over the years for work, family and relationship. Prayer vocalizes the daily intent of your deepest self to be fully present to yourself, your life and your family.
Symbols such as medicine wheels and six pointed stars like the Star of David have been used for spiritual practices for many millennium. The symbols create an image for understanding the sacred energies and how they fit together as path to awakening, enlightenment, etc. The power for deep healing is based on the capacity of the symbol to create a container for one to be fully present and embrace the point of true power to heal in the immediate moment.
The medicine wheel in physical form is an energetic container used in most spiritual traditions for thousands of years in one form or another. For example, Invoking the four archangels. More recent uses in psychology are Jung’s quadrinity model, Weir-Perry’s Lord of the Four Quarters, etc.
All variations of the medicine wheel, star of David or the various invocation of energies gain its transformative energy from human presence, which is why presence and is what opens the sacred center that is within our individual hearts.
The most interesting aspect of the various spiritual traditions is how many have variation of the seven direction invocational prayer which is the road maps to one’s spiritual awakening. For example, many traditions acknowledge the four elements, the four sacred direction. Many native American prayers while walking the medicine wheel invoke the four elements then add the unifying energy of the spirit above, below and then within. Early Judeo-Christian ceremonies found in the works of the Essenes invoked the four archangels, the protectors of the four sacred elements prior to invoking the sacred feminine of Shekinah (shehkinah) and Yeshua as the alchemical process of invoking the original Spark, Christ Light, eternal life force, hiddendeep within each person heart.
For example, by devotedly conducting the below invocation, you summon the four archangel energies, Mikael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael as well as ask Shekinah, God’s divine feminine energies to unite with Yeshua, the divine masculine energies, to reveal the Christ light within your heart integrating the Christ light into your human being.
At center of the human energy field is the body and what we call cellular memory (Peter Levine, Waking the Tiger, van der Kolk, Bessel (2014). The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Penguin.) Next is the reactive emotional energies that form the pain and fear body (Levine & Tolle, Power of Now). The pain/fear bodies form a protector energy to prevent releasing the frozen memories (Tolle, Power of Now and Donald Kalsched, the Inner World of Trauma). The Mental body is the creative adjustments of the mind to move and seal the piercing or traumatic events (Gestalt) out of awareness as well as create bipolar meaning making structures that support forgetting who we are and adapt an earth bound identity.
The Spiritual body is often the dissociative state that seeks wholeness but is not adequately integrated with the physical body. Van der Kolk, Bessel. Instead of focusing on any of these earth-bound bodies, the focus of the medicine wheel, Star of David ceremonies or the various invocation of integration prayers, is on thawing the frozen or fossilized ways of making meaning that is floating within our self-created energy field. This results in releasing the frozen experiences that led to meaning making adventures. Once cleared, a re-membering begins to occur that can lead to the re-union of the divine feminine and divine masculine from whence we were created. Once this occurs, the illusions created in our creatively adaptive meaning making processes are dissolved and we are able to experience our Being in human form.
Lars Muhl:
Whitney Hopler Updated December 23, 2018
Ø Muhl, Lars. The Law of Light Watkins Media. Kindle Edition.
Ø Muhl, Lars. The Gate of Light Watkins Media. Kindle Edition.
Ø Muhl, Lars, The Seer, Watkins Media, Kindle Edition
Ø Muhl, Lars. The Magdalene (The O Manuscript) Watkins Media. Kindle Edition.
Ø Muhl, Lars, The Grail, Watkins Media, Kindle Edition.
Novelty, Ohio
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